Name our newest shake!

Name our newest shake!

20 February 2023

Did you know that all of our Boom Cycle studios have shake bars? You can grab a protein packed shake to re-fuel after class for some on the go energy. When you arrive for class you can place your shake order and it will be ready and waiting for you as soon as you're finished! 

To celebrate the launch of our newest shake we're asking YOU to name it. In keeping with our current shake menu it will be called 'The ....... One'. We just need you to fill in the blank!


Here are the ingredients:

Almond milk

Peanut butter

Vanilla protein



Head to our Boom Cycle Instagram to submit your suggestion. 


And if you need a bit more inspiration here's our current shake menu:

The All In One: Almond Milk, Almond Butter, Banana, Dates, Spinach, Walnuts, Cacao Nibs, Vanilla Whey

The Nutty One: Almond Milk, Banana, Peanut Butter, Flaxseed, Chocolate/Vanilla Whey

The Berry One: Coconut Milk, Mixed Berries, Banana, Vanilla Whey

The Simple One: Almond Milk, Chocolate/Vanilla Whey

The Coffee One: Almond Milk, Banana, Coffee, Cinnamon, Chocolate Whey


So don't forget to submit your name suggestions for our new shake and then give it a try next time you're in studio! Remember to order pre ride to have it ready and waiting for you afterwards!


See you in studio soon.